Overcome high stress in times of change, and become an authentic, effective communicator .. in just 14 days! (without having to "fake it" or become an extrovert!)

Overcome high stress in times of change, and become an authentic, effective communicator .. in just 14 days! (without having to "fake it" or become an extrovert!)

Are you feeling exhausted by expectations that keep changing, and demands that are unrealistic? Do you feel like you can't be heard?

Introducing The Power of Expression in Change™

I've been there!

When things are constantly changing, they can often drain us of more energy than we have to give . This is especially true when we don't feel that the people who work with us truly value us or our contributions.

In these situations it can be hard to know what to say, how to say it, who to say it to, and when - even if we have the solution at hand!

This struggle can even cause paralysing stress and anxiety to overflow into every part of our lives - including our families and our relationships.

This is why I developed 

The Power of Expression in Change™

Online Program

I'll help you:

- Feel inspired

- Experience less stress

- Experience less overwhelm

This program empowers you to overcome communication obstacles rapidly, so that you can be heard, regain your inner calm , and perform at your best - especially IN times of change!

Communication is just one part of a larger whole. Let me help you break free from mounting stress and achieve meaningful change - so that you can be TRULY present in the places (and with the people), that matter.

All it takes is 14 days!

We’ve all been there.

Sometimes it seems as though we only have enough time to complete our most pressing tasks. Especially when circumstances and expectations are constantly changing.

It can feel like Groundhog Day! By repeating these patterns we waste time, effort, and energy on inefficient and ineffective ways of working that leave you feeling unfulfilled.

This is why I developed 

The Power of Expression in Change™

Online Program

To help you achieve peak performance and self-empowerment during change by focusing on your wellbeing through proven techniques and practices. I cover meditations, mindfulness, self-compassion, letting go, and setting new intentions to help you regain your inner calm.

My program gives you everything you need to overcome obstacles rapidly, enable greater personal satisfaction, enhance team collaboration, and boost organisational performance sustainably.

Along with practical steps on how to transform mindsets and guide you to greater self-awareness, I’ve also included some valuable bonuses to help you discover new ways and frameworks for your personal wellbeing and performance enhancement. Let me help you break free from mounting stress and build meaningful connections so you can sustain your peak performance.

Don't waste a moment longer

Here’s my promise to you..

This program focuses on the most important person. YOU .

My 14-day online program will give you
all the tools and support
you need to:

- communicate authentically and confidently,

- achieve inner calm and clarity, and;

- sustain high performance.

My aim is to help you recognise the uncertainties you’re experiencing and give a voice to the unspoken—or what I like to call the elephant . As someone who’s sat intimately with her own elephant for many years, I can attest to the power of this program!

The key to unlocking your potential comes from things that are often dismissed.

I will help you give those things a voice!

My 14-day online program will help bring new meaning to your life and produce the change you want to see in yourself.

Here’s my promise to you..

Here’s my promise to you..

This program focuses on the most important person. YOU.  My 14-day online program will give you all the tools you need to achieve inner calm, clarity, and connection in uncertain times.

My aim is to help you recognise the uncertainties you’re experiencing and give a voice to the unspoken—or what I like to call the elephant. As someone who’s sat intimately with her own elephant for many years, I can attest to the power of reframing your story and state of mind.

The key to unlocking your potential comes from things that are often dismissed and left unspoken, and I help give it all a voice—I can’t wait to see the new and empowered you!

Don’t spend another moment walking in the same shoes. My 14-day online program is all you will need to bring new meaning to your life and welcome the change you want to see in yourself.

Whether Partner, Parent, Manager, Employee or Business Owner..

No matter what titles you carry, communication will always play a leading role in each one.

Effective communication will help you save time, build mutually beneficial relationships (that last!), and enhance your personal and professional performance.

Getting to this point takes serious practice, and development.

..but what exactly do you need to practice/develop?

My 14-day online program is so effective because it actually
guides your awareness, helping you understand EXACTLY what needs focus - right from the start!

The Power of Expression in Change™ program will enable you to feel valued and seen, and empower you to contribute to sustainable change while enjoying higher personal satisfaction!

The impact of effective communication can help you save time, build mutually beneficial, lasting relationships, and enhance your personal performance as well as the performance of your team.

But getting to this point takes work. You must make a conscious decision to practice and develop your communication skills. 

That’s where my 14-day online program can help; by inspiring you to embrace the unspoken and overcome obstacles that are standing in the way of your best self.

The Power of Expression in Change™ will make you feel valued and seen, empowered to contribute and collaborate in sustainable workplace change, and help you enjoy higher personal satisfaction.

Here's the thing...

There's so much happening in life, in the workplace, and in the world at large — how are you supposed to keep track and balance everything without feeling overwhelmed!?

As these frustrations build, they can manifest as "disruptions in communication " , as disengagement, and even as a feeling that something is missing from your work.

If you tried to "fix" these things in the past, then you've noticed that they keep coming back!


The reason is that these things aren't the core issue - they're merely the symptoms of a root cause!

Many of us are searching for a quick fix that helps us get on with it, when what we really need
is a sustainable solution that will change our lives for the better.

My program gives you the specific guidance you need, to get to the fulfilment you’re looking for: in 14 days!

Here’s the real issue…

With so much happening around you—in your own life, the workplace, and the world at large—it’s tougher than ever to keep track of, and balance, everything withoutfeeling overwhelmed.

As these frustrations build, they can often manifest themselves as disruptions in communication, disengagement, and a feeling that something is missing from your work. While you may have tried to address these problems in the past, you may not have succeeded because the real problem eluded you.

Many of us are searching for a quick fix that helps us get on with it when what we really need is a sustainable solution that will change our lives for the better, in the long run.What you need is a well thought out plan that addresses the core issues you are facing. 

My program helps you set the foundation to achieving this in14 days by giving you the guidance you need to welcome change and harness meaningful connections that will help you get to the fulfilment you’re looking for.

The Power of Expression in Change™ gives you the tools you deserve to not just overcome your obstacles but to self-reflect, understand, and empower yourself in your journey to sustainable change.

I get it!

We’ve all been told about the importance of communication and leaving nothing unspoken—but we’re rarely given the opportunity to expose our thoughts in a safe environment.

Especially in the workplace. 
Running between meetings, deadlines, and responding to an unceasing flood of emails can leave us feeling disengaged regardless of how much we want to contribute.

We all want to be heard, but one of the leading reasons why most of us create our very own elephant is because we often feel that there is no space for our opinions or thoughts to be valued.

Feeling seen and heard by our peers is a basic human desire. Expressing our thoughts can be a powerful and freeing experience. In a work environment, it can be an even bigger benefit that drives us to reach and sustain our peak performance every day—if it’s done right.

The right communication can help you unleash the parts of yourself that are an intrinsic part of your best self and help you gain greater fulfilment and desire to achieve a shared goal.

I get it!

We’ve all been told about the importance of communication and leaving nothing unspoken—but we’re rarely given the opportunity to expose our thoughts in a safe environment.

Especially in the workplace. 
Running between meetings, deadlines, and responding to an unceasing flood of emails can leave us feeling disengaged regardless of how much we want to contribute.

We all want to be heard, but one of the leading reasons why most of us create our very own elephant is because we often feel that there is no space for our opinions or thoughts to be valued.

Feeling seen and heard by our peers is a basic human desire. Expressing our thoughts can be a powerful and freeing experience. In a work environment, it can be an even bigger benefit that drives us to reach and sustain our peak performance every day—if it’s done right.

The right communication can help you unleash the parts of yourself that are an intrinsic part of your best self and help you gain greater fulfilment and desire to achieve a shared goal.

Finally, the wait is over

Are you having trouble getting your thoughts across to your team?

Are you doing the same things day-in and day-out hoping for different results?

Are you stuck in an endless cycle of frustration, stress, and a feeling of failure?

Finally, the wait is over

Are you having trouble getting your thoughts across to your team?

Are you doing the same things day-in and day-out hoping for different results?

Are you stuck in an endless cycle of frustration, stress, and a feeling of failure?

It’s time to start taking control of your narrative.

Change is inevitable and it’s time to stop repeating the things that haven’t served you. When you leave things unspoken it can disconnect you from your work and make it difficult to contribute to your team and establish a sense of control. 

Once you’ve mastered the art of effective communication you’ll see yourself breaking out of your cocoon and transforming into the intrinsically vibrant version of yourself that has so much to offer those around you. 

Only YOU can unlock the power within you and harness it to reach your full potential. The more you delay embracing this change, the more you are depriving yourself of achieving your peak performance and reaching the personal satisfaction you and your team deserve. 

Let this be your opportunity to flip the switch and step into a new mindset where change isn’t always a negative prospect and, with the right guidance, you can gain greater insights into your inner self.

Why should you listen to me?

Why You Should Listen To Me?

Here are just Two of the many reasons:

One :

I’ve been where you are right now. It’s no secret that we spend the majority of our lives at work. At first, it’s a new experience and we’re committed to doing the best job we possibly can, leaving little to no space for mistakes.

With each passing day, however, the enthusiasm starts to wither away and the struggles set in. You start scrambling to meet deadlines, miscommunication leads to even more pressure, and your performance starts to suffer as well as the feeling of fulfilment you get with every task completed.

Before you know it, you start to see impacts on your own social or relational life - they may feel totally seperate or unrelated, but they happen nonetheless. Then they start to get worse.

Overcoming this struggle in my own life it is what inspired me to create The Power of Expression in Change™ online program.

With a clear understanding of the issues we all face, and their resolutions, I created this program to guide you in the right direction from day one.

Two : Having successfully helped over 40 workplace teams in small to large-scale corporations to work on these issues and many related others, I have the specialised experience and understanding to help you achieve the same results I’ve seen time and time again.

My program is geared to help you make the lasting changes you need to improve relationships, lead teams, strengthen your communication, grow as an individual, and even become an irreplaceable asset to your organisation.

But.. more importantly.. I help you make the changes you need to wake up and feel fulfilled every day. I help you take your power back into your own hands so you’re not waiting for other people to change before you can get clear, connected, and calm through every challenge.

I’ve probably been where you are right now...

It’s no secret that we spend the majority of our lives at work. At first, it’s a new experience and we’re committed to doing the best job we possibly can, leaving little to no space for mistakes.

With each passing day, however, the enthusiasm starts to wither away and the struggles set in. You start scrambling to meet deadlines, miscommunication leads to even more pressure, and your performance starts to suffer as well as the feeling of fulfilment you get with every task completed.

We have all been in these situations time and time again. This is what inspired me to create The Power of Expression in Change™  my 14-day online program.

With a clear understanding of the problem and issues we all face, I created this program to guide you in the right direction from day one.

Having been trusted with many different projects, with over 40 workplace teams, in small to large-scalecorporations, I can help you achieve the same results I’ve seen time and time again.

My program is geared to help you make the lasting changes you need to lead teams, strengthen your communication, grow as an individual, and become an irreplaceable asset to your organisation.

But more importantly, I help you make the changes you need to wake up and feel fulfilled every day. I help you take your power back into your own hands so you’re not waiting for other people to change before you can stay clear, connected, and calm through every challenge.

How exactly does this work?

Unlocking your peak performance becomes easier when you have a clear roadmap of where you’re going, what needs to change, and how you’re going to get there.

You will also need to be prepared for obstacles, setbacks, and detours that may steer you off your chosen course. 

The goal is to keep your focus squarely on your destination and trust the process.

Once you start following my The Power of Expression in Change™14-day online program you will not just learn the mechanisms that are designed tohelp you succeed, but how to use them to get where you want to go.

How exactly does this work?

Unlocking your peak performance becomes easier when you have a clear roadmap of where you’re going, what needs to change, and how you’re going to get there.

You will also need to be prepared for obstacles, setbacks, and detours that may steer you off your chosen course. 
The goal is to keep your focus squarely on your destination and trust the process.

Once you start following my The Power of Expression in Change™14-day online program you will not just learn the mechanisms that are designed tohelp you succeed, but how to use them to get where you want to go.

The Power of Expression in Change™

14-day online program includes

  • Step-by-Step premium training videos 
  • Workbooks and Worksheets
  • Mindfulness practices and meditations
  • ​Access to the Empowered Changes Leaders - Accountability Group on LinkedIn
  • ​Bonus Inclusions

The Power of Expression in Change™

14-day online program includes

  • Step-by-Step premium training videos 
  • Workbooks and Worksheets
  • Mindfulness practices and meditations
  • ​Access to the Empowered Changes Leaders - Accountability Group on LinkedIn
  • ​Bonus Inclusions

For just $297, you can!

  • Overcome the obstacles to effective communication
  • Develop a mindset for empowered expression in change
  • Achieve greater self-awareness and empowerment
  • ​Unlock untapped potential you never knew how to access
  • ​Regain inner calm and stabilize your personal wellbeing
  • ​Make the most of your workday and feel fulfilled and engaged 
  • ​Transform your triggers into new and positive outcomes

For just $297, you can!

  • Overcome the obstacles to effective communication
  • Develop a mindset for empowered expression in change
  • Achieve greater self-awareness and empowerment
  • ​Unlock untapped potential you never knew how to access
  • ​Regain inner calm and stabilize your personal wellbeing
  • ​Make the most of your workday and feel fulfilled and engaged 
  • Transform your triggers into new and positive outcomes.

Here's what's included when you

Join today!

Step-by-Step Premium Training Videos

Explore how to overcome obstacles to effective communication consistently. Especially during times of change, so you can boost personal satisfaction, team collaboration and performance (without faking it or being an extrovert).
 (valued at $750)

Full workbook

Gain invaluable insight for new potential through conscious self-enquiry guided by frameworks and tools that facilitate greater self-awareness for greater empowerment.
 (valued at $750)

Fill in the blank Worksheets

Support your learning with these editable worksheets. These give you the tools you require to stay accountable and give you a more balanced perspective of your growth. Make the most of these periods of change by taking ownership of your expression.
 (valued at $150)

Empowered Change Leaders - Accountability Group

Support is an invaluable resource we all deserve. The group I give you access to is all about sharing collective wisdom and cheering each other on as we become self-empowered and ready for change together.

Bonus Offers

The Power of Expression in Change Journal

Use this journal to keep track of your thoughts during each module as and when they arise. Keep a record of the most vital insights for your growth as you explore your empowered expression in change.
(Valued at 25)

Peak Flow Meetings Cheatsheet

Carry the insights you learn in my course to your workplace with this cheatsheet that uncovers the secret in every meeting room so you can sustain your peak team performance throughout uncertainty.
(Valued at 150)

The Balanced Leader

Go from feeling overwhelmed and reacting emotionally to external circumstances to self-empowerment with this 4-step practice. Enjoy the positive outcomes that arise by harnessing the potential of your emotions.
(Valued at 50)

Surprise Extra Bonus #1

Inner calm mini-meditation

Take advantage of a guided mindfulness-based meditation to help you regain your inner calm in just 5 minutes and refocus your energy on your journey. This bonus will be released on day 5. 
(Valued at 10)

Surprise Extra Bonus #2

The Mojo Activator

Make the most of every day with the 6 easy ways to be in your Inspired Mojo at work at no extra cost. Experience enhanced personal performance and wellbeing as you navigate every challenge that comes your way. This bonus will be released on day 10.
(Valued at 50)

Take the first step in driving transformation for yourself, your organisation, and the world at large.

Total Value = $2,085.00

Yours Today for Only:


Here's what's included when you

Join today!

Step-by-Step Premium Training Videos

Explore how to overcome obstacles to effective communication consistently. Especially during times of change, so you can boost personal satisfaction, team collaboration and performance (without faking it or being an extrovert).
 (valued at $750)

Full workbook

Gain invaluable insight for new potential through conscious self-enquiry guided by frameworks and tools that facilitate greater self-awareness for greater empowerment.
 (valued at $750)

Fill in the blank Worksheets

Support your learning with these editable worksheets. These give you the tools you require to stay accountable and give you a more balanced perspective of your growth. Make the most of these periods of change by taking ownership of your expression.
 (valued at $150)

Empowered Change Leaders - Accountability Group

Support is an invaluable resource we all deserve. The group I give you access to is all about sharing collective wisdom and cheering each other on as we become self-empowered and ready for change together.

Bonus Offers

The Power of Expression in Change Journal

Use this journal to keep track of your thoughts during each module as and when they arise. Keep a record of the most vital insights for your growth as you explore your empowered expression in change.
(Valued at 25)

Peak Flow Meetings Cheatsheet

Carry the insights you learn in my course to your workplace with this cheatsheet that uncovers the secret in every meeting room so you can sustain your peak team performance throughout uncertainty.
(Valued at 150)

The Balanced Leader

Go from feeling overwhelmed and reacting emotionally to external circumstances to self-empowerment with this 4-step practice. Enjoy the positive outcomes that arise by harnessing the potential of your emotions.

(Valued at 50)

Surprise Extra Bonus #1

Inner calm mini-meditation

Take advantage of a guided mindfulness-based meditation to help you regain your inner calm in just 5 minutes and refocus your energy on your journey. This bonus will be released on day 5.
(Valued at 10)

Surprise Extra Bonus #2

The Mojo Activator

Make the most of every day with the 6 easy ways to be in your Inspired Mojo at work at no extra cost. Experience enhanced personal performance and wellbeing as you navigate every challenge that comes your way. This bonus will be released on day 10.
(Valued at 50)

Take the first step in driving transformation for yourself, your organisation, and the world at large.

Total Value = $2,085.00

Yours Today for Only:


Still not convinced?

That’s ok. I understand that this might sound as though it’s too good to be true, and I want to make sure that you’re completely satisfied with everything that I’m offering.

This is why I give all my clients a 7-day money-back guarantee. If you fully commit to my program and aren’t 100% satisfied with the outcome, you’ll get your money back.

Still not convinced?

That’s ok. I understand that this might sound as though it’s too good to be true, and I want to make sure that you’re completely satisfied with everything that I’m offering.

This is why I give all my clients a 7-day money-back guarantee. If you fully commit to my program and aren’t 100% satisfied with the outcome, you’ll get your money back.

Ready to transform 


Your Investment of

only $297

Ready to transform 


Your Investment of

only $297

I felt I needed to constantly push, wrangle and control my body and mind to work at a consistently high level of performance that matched the mold of what ‘high performance’ and ‘success’ looked like based on my social and cultural conditioning, rather than honoring and trusting my body’s unique natural rhythms to find my flow-state.
I used to work hard in a high-performance corporate role here in Australia. Through my sheer will and determination, I succeeded in many areas professionally. I was good at what I did. I was passionate and dedicated. But trying to fit myself into a corporate fast-paced world, without realising it at the time, eventually led to my losing my inner harmony.

The constant pressure, focus, and grit required to keep up in a corporate world, which for me entailed an environment crafted predominantly by men for men, meant that the one area that constantly let me down was my female body and my health.

I wanted to serve to my fullest potential and make this world a better place. But instead, I spent years suffering, and contorting to fit myself into an image of 'success'.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should you trust me?

Because this is a culmination of my life’s learning and this is more than just a job for me. Just like you, I’ve sat with my elephant for a number of years and I understand what you’re going through.

My training in areas such as mindfulness, organisational dynamics, group dynamics, and positive intelligence have given me the experience and knowledge I need to help you on your journey. I’ve worked with more than 40 teams—large and small—across many organisations and I can give you the guidance you need.

Not sure if you can afford it?

I wanted to make this program affordable for everyone and that’s why I’ve lowered the cost so that you can gain massive benefits with low risk.

Let’s face it, we spend most of our time at work. To the point where it feels almost like a second home. The work we do has a bigger impact on us than we know, it's more than a series of meetings and endless tasks.

We all perform better when we have a vested interest and find fulfilment in the work we do. When we realign ourselves we can see immediate results not only in our careers, but in our personal growth.

What do you do if the reason you can’t express yourself is because of your boss or team?

It’s normal to feel like the people around us impact us, but I wanted to make sure that this program was all about you and keeping you empowered through your emotions.

I want to support you and show you how to feel calm, clear, and connected with yourself and the world around you without letting external events overwhelm you. My program will guide you to embrace yourself and the value you bring.

What if you are too exhausted and stressed to take on a program right now?

The exhaustion and stress you feel are normal, especially working in an environment that’s changing constantly. This program is designed to help you with these emotions and give you the support you need.

From techniques and practices like meditations and mindfulness to discovering new purpose and self-compassion, your wellbeing is your strength. My program was created with the intention of helping you navigate these changes and achieve your peak performance.

What if I don’t have enough time for this?

We’re all a part of the rat race and sometimes—or most times—we only have time for the most immediate tasks on our plates. This results in us repeating the same behaviour over and over again and getting stuck with the same results.

Saving time and improving your performance is paramount in any organisation and the best way to achieve this is through improved communication.

The total number of hours you spend on this program is equal to a full-day workshop and I’ve made sure that my materials and modules are available to you, at any time that suits your busy schedule.

I’ve also included some short videos to change up the format of the material and help you get more done during the day and also give you the flexibility to work around your schedule.

What do you have to lose?

You’ve spent days and nights in an endless struggle to gain control and up your performance levels.

You’ve experienced moments where you’re trying to communicate with your team and have your voice heard, but feel like you’ve fallen short.

At the end of the day, it’s your life and only you can make the tough decision to change it.

You can do more than you think!

It’s easy to criticize yourself and convince yourself that you’ve reached your fullest potential, but you know the truth.

Given the right tools and resources, you a can elevate yourself to heights that you didn’t realise were possible.

We all have moments of insecurity and doubt, but it’s how we power through those moments that define our success.

Get rid of the things that are not working and get yourself back on track in two weeks. Why not give yourself every opportunity to reach your peak performance?

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should you trust me?

Because this is a culmination of my life’s learning and this is more than just a job for me. Just like you, I’ve sat with my elephant for a number of years and I understand what you’re going through.

My training in areas such as mindfulness, organisational dynamics, group dynamics, and positive intelligence have given me the experience and knowledge I need to help you on your journey. I’ve worked with more than 40 teams—large and small—across many organisations and I can give you the guidance you need.

Not sure if you can afford it?

I wanted to make this program affordable for everyone and that’s why I’ve lowered the cost so that you can gain massive benefits with low risk.

Let’s face it, we spend most of our time at work. To the point where it feels almost like a second home. The work we do has a bigger impact on us than we know, it's more than a series of meetings and endless tasks.

We all perform better when we have a vested interest and find fulfilment in the work we do. When we realign ourselves we can see immediate results not only in our careers, but in our personal growth.

What do you do if the reason you can’t express yourself is because of your boss or team?

It’s normal to feel like the people around us impact us, but I wanted to make sure that this program was all about you and keeping you empowered through your emotions.

I want to support you and show you how to feel calm, clear, and connected with yourself and the world around you without letting external events overwhelm you. My program will guide you to embrace yourself and the value you bring.

What if you are too exhausted and stressed to take on a program right now?

The exhaustion and stress you feel are normal, especially working in an environment that’s changing constantly. This program is designed to help you with these emotions and give you the support you need.

From techniques and practices like meditations and mindfulness to discovering new purpose and self-compassion, your wellbeing is your strength. My program was created with the intention of helping you navigate these changes and achieve your peak performance.

What if I don’t have enough time for this?

We’re all a part of the rat race and sometimes—or most times—we only have time for the most immediate tasks on our plates. This results in us repeating the same behaviour over and over again and getting stuck with the same results.

Saving time and improving your performance is paramount in any organisation and the best way to achieve this is through improved communication.

The total number of hours you spend on this program is equal to a full-day workshop and I’ve made sure that my materials and modules are available to you, at any time that suits your busy schedule.

I’ve also included some short videos to change up the format of the material and help you get more done during the day and also give you the flexibility to work around your schedule.

What do you have to lose?

You’ve spent days and nights in an endless struggle to gain control and up your performance levels.

You’ve experienced moments where you’re trying to communicate with your team and have your voice heard, but feel like you’ve fallen short.

At the end of the day, it’s your life and only you can make the tough decision to change it.

You can do more than you think!

It’s easy to criticize yourself and convince yourself that you’ve reached your fullest potential, but you know the truth.

Given the right tools and resources, you a can elevate yourself to heights that you didn’t realise were possible.

We all have moments of insecurity and doubt, but it’s how we power through those moments that define our success.

Get rid of the things that are not working and get yourself back on track in two weeks. Why not give yourself every opportunity to reach your peak performance?