Limited time FREE gift for you!

As you start your new workday, how are you feeling?

For many of us, we have been immersed in CONSTANT CHANGE for the past 4 years! 

How is this really being held in YOU?

As a dedicated, hardworking professional, you may be well-practised at trying to help many others and juggling competing demands... 

So, a question for you... Do you want to be more calm and empowered within you?

What if just 2 minutes a day could help YOU feel more positive and inspired?

You are NOT alone!

And here we are... At the start of 2024...

For many of us, we have been immersed in CONSTANT CHANGE for the past 4 years!

How is this really being held in YOU?

As a dedicated, hardworking professional, you may be well-practised at trying to help many others and juggling competing demands...

So, a question for you... Do you want to be more calm and empowered in 2024?

What if just 2 minutes a day could help YOU feel more positive and inspired?

You are NOT alone!

It’s TIME to set YOUR workday off to an intentionally empowering start.

Happy New Workday! 

Limited time FREE gift for you! Valid until 31 October 2024.

I’d love to gift you a FREE copy of the first 7-days of The Perfect Workday™ 21-day audio series.

You will receive 7 daily motivational two minute “Mojo Moment” audios to help you wake up feeling refreshed & inspired, with crystal clear intentions, so you can powerfully increase your focus and joy and raise your productivity up to 200%.

This will help you create your perfect work-day environment in advance of the day ahead, so you can avoid all workplace drama and start loving your work. You will discover how to thrive, even when you have intense daily workloads and regardless of what's happening around you.

The 21 day series is normally $197 USD

Get the first 7 days for FREE as a Happy New Workday gift to you!

The gift is valid until 31 October 2024 to support your New Workday momentum!

Because I believe when we are feeling calm, positive and inspired, we can be our best selves at work AND with those we love most. 

Which, in turn ripples out to our collective, better world. 

That’s needed for ALL of us. 🙏💚

There are NO strings attached! 

I want to be of service in the best way I can AND to be part of co-creating our better world.For me, this includes giving what I can to be helpful to others. 

These Mojo Moments are designed to help raise our awareness of our everyday work moments and how we might be able to unlock new experiences rather than go through the same old, same old…

In the famous words of Einstein, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

I hope these Mojo Moments prompt some new personal insights and inspired exploration for you.

When we truly connect to the heart of the matter, there are no limits.🙏

Don't waste a moment longer

Wondering what happens next in this mojo moment?

Hi, I'm Vee!

Two decades ago, I found myself in a postgraduate study program at RMIT University, unable to share my authentic voice. Alongside my peers, I sat mostly in silence… on the outside. While, on the inside, I could hear my own inner critic screaming loud and clear! This emotionally chaotic experience was transformative. It sparked a quest for exploring my authentic voice and led me to become a leadership transformation coach and organizational change partner.

My transformative holistic approach connects to the heart of the matter and is rooted in the activation of multiple facets of our being—mind, heart, and spirit. I co-create an environment that nurtures growth and empowers individuals and teams to unlock new insights, deeper connections, and untapped potential.

With a foundation in curiosity and heartful bimodal play, I combine a playful spirit with a deeper understanding of each situation, resulting in powerful and enduring solutions. Inspired by Einstein, who made groundbreaking discoveries while playing the violin, I firmly believe in the potential of creative play and a mindful approach to unlock innate brilliance. Embracing unconventional methods, I encourage my clients to think outside the box and unleash their full potential.

I have successfully coached many individuals and partnered with over 40 teams across organizations of all sizes. My expertise spans from leading executive projects to facilitating people-side change initiatives, service improvement, team culture transformations, and individual leadership expansion.

I am the Founder of Heartful Leadership and the Deputy Chair of the Australian Transformation and Turnaround Association. My mission is to co-create a corporate paradigm where everyone shares their unique gifts to enable a better world for all.

Happy New Year!

Limited time FREE gift for you! Valid until 

14 February 2024

I’d love to gift you a FREE copy of the first 7-days of The Perfect Workday™ 21-day audio series.

You will receive 7 daily motivational two minute “Mojo Moment” audios to help you wake up feeling refreshed & inspired, with crystal clear intentions, so you can powerfully increase your focus and joy and raise your productivity up to 200%.

This will help you create your perfect work-day environment in advance of the day ahead, so you can avoid all workplace drama and start loving your work. You will discover how to thrive, even when you have intense daily workloads and regardless of what's happening around you.

The 21 day series is normally $197 USD

Get the first 7 days for FREE as a Happy New Year gift to you!

The gift is valid until 

14 February 2024 to support your New Year momentum!

Because I believe when we are feeling calm, positive and inspired, we can be our best selves at work AND with those we love most.

Which, in turn ripples out to our collective, better world.

That’s needed for ALL of us. 🙏💚

There are NO strings attached! 

I want to be of service in the best way I can AND to be part of co-creating our better world.

For me, this includes giving what I can to be helpful to others.

These Mojo Moments are designed to help raise our awareness of our everyday work moments and how we might be able to unlock new experiences rather than go through the same old, same old…

In the famous words of Einstein, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

I hope these Mojo Moments prompt some new personal insights and inspired exploration for you.

When we truly connect to the heart of the matter, there are no limits. 🙏

Don't waste a moment longer

Wondering what happens next in this mojo moment?

Hi, I'm Vee!

Two decades ago, I found myself in a postgraduate study program at RMIT University, unable to share my authentic voice. Alongside my peers, I sat mostly in silence… on the outside. While, on the inside, I could hear my own inner critic screaming loud and clear! This emotionally chaotic experience was transformative. It sparked a quest for exploring my authentic voice and led me to become a leadership transformation coach and organizational change partner.

My transformative holistic approach connects to the heart of the matter and is rooted in the activation of multiple facets of our being—mind, heart, and spirit. I co-create an environment that nurtures growth and empowers individuals and teams to unlock new insights, deeper connections, and untapped potential.

With a foundation in curiosity and heartful bimodal play, I combine a playful spirit with a deeper understanding of each situation, resulting in powerful and enduring solutions. Inspired by Einstein, who made groundbreaking discoveries while playing the violin, I firmly believe in the potential of creative play and a mindful approach to unlock innate brilliance. Embracing unconventional methods, I encourage my clients to think outside the box and unleash their full potential.

I have successfully coached many individuals and partnered with over 40 teams across organizations of all sizes. My expertise spans from leading executive projects to facilitating people-side change initiatives, service improvement, team culture transformations, and individual leadership expansion.

I am the Founder of Heartful Leadership and the Deputy Chair of the Australian Transformation and Turnaround Association. My mission is to co-create a corporate paradigm where everyone shares their unique gifts to enable a better world for all.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can you expect? 

You will immediately receive a welcome email with an introductory 2-minute audio and the Day 1 Audio.

You will receive a daily email for the next 6 days with the link to your daily 2 minute Mojo Moment. 

What is covered in the 7 days?

In the introduction, you’ll discover what to expect from our Mojo Moments.

In the 7 day Mojo Moment 2-3 minute audios, you’ll explore:

Day 1: How we might ‘spy’ magical moments in what we might ordinarily glance over in the routine of our day.

Day 2: The Power of Perspective and how we might come to two completely different perspectives though we see the same surface level experience?

Day 3: Mindfulness as a practice so we can be more aware of where we are at any moment on our elephant ladders with non-judgment.

Day 4: The active (thinking) and passive (awareness) aspects of our minds. Becoming more connected to which aspects are running our show!

Day 5: The challenges that arise when we become dominated by excessive thinking.

Day 6: A simple mindfulness meditation practice as an antidote for excessive thinking.

Day 7: A simple breathing technique as an antidote for excessive thinking.

How will I access the audio files? 

All your free content will available in an easy-to-access portal. It takes under a minute to create your free account. You can listen to these wherever you are. Some of the audios may be best listened to while you are seated depending on the nature of the practice / enquiry. This is highlighted at the beginning of the audio where suggested.  

What if you want to unsubscribe? 

Yes, please know that the intention is for this to be of help and support. 😊 You can unsubscribe at any time.

What if you want to listen to more beyond the 7 days?

You can register for the full 21-day audio series at any time you wish – a discount code will be exclusively available to you in the free 7-day gift.

What if I need technical support? 

The emails include a button for you to click on to access your mojo moment audio. If you have any issues, please don’t hesitate to email me: [email protected] and we will get onto it straight away for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What can you expect? 

You will immediately receive a welcome email with an introductory 2-minute audio and the Day 1 Audio.

You will receive a daily email for the next 6 days with the link to your daily 2 minute Mojo Moment. 

What is covered in the 7 days?

In the introduction, you’ll discover what to expect from our Mojo Moments.

In the 7 day Mojo Moment 2-3 minute audios, you’ll explore:

Day 1: How we might ‘spy’ magical moments in what we might ordinarily glance over in the routine of our day.

Day 2: The Power of Perspective and how we might come to two completely different perspectives though we see the same surface level experience?

Day 3: Mindfulness as a practice so we can be more aware of where we are at any moment on our elephant ladders with non-judgment.

Day 4: The active (thinking) and passive (awareness) aspects of our minds. Becoming more connected to which aspects are running our show!

Day 5: The challenges that arise when we become dominated by excessive thinking.

Day 6: A simple mindfulness meditation practice as an antidote for excessive thinking.

Day 7: A simple breathing technique as an antidote for excessive thinking.

How will I access the audio files? 

All your free content will available in an easy-to-access portal. It takes under a minute to create your free account. You can listen to these wherever you are. Some of the audios may be best listened to while you are seated depending on the nature of the practice / enquiry. This is highlighted at the beginning of the audio where suggested.  

What if you want to unsubscribe? 

Yes, please know that the intention is for this to be of help and support. 😊 You can unsubscribe at any time.

What if you want to listen to more beyond the 7 days?

You can register for the full 21-day audio series at any time you wish – a discount code will be exclusively available to you in the free 7-day gift.

What if I need technical support? 

The emails include a button for you to click on to access your mojo moment audio. If you have any issues, please don’t hesitate to email me: [email protected] and we will get onto it straight away for you!

I felt I needed to constantly push, wrangle and control my body and mind to work at a consistently high level of performance that matched the mold of what ‘high performance’ and ‘success’ looked like based on my social and cultural conditioning, rather than honoring and trusting my body’s unique natural rhythms to find my flow-state.
I used to work hard in a high-performance corporate role here in Australia. Through my sheer will and determination, I succeeded in many areas professionally. I was good at what I did. I was passionate and dedicated. But trying to fit myself into a corporate fast-paced world, without realising it at the time, eventually led to my losing my inner harmony.

The constant pressure, focus, and grit required to keep up in a corporate world, which for me entailed an environment crafted predominantly by men for men, meant that the one area that constantly let me down was my female body and my health.

I wanted to serve to my fullest potential and make this world a better place. But instead, I spent years suffering, and contorting to fit myself into an image of 'success'.

May you have a magical workday, every day!

May you have a magical workday, every day!